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Resident information on Stormwater Pollution

Report Illicit Discharges (illegal discharges) which include pumping, dumping or direct connection to a drain or waterway to the Nassau County Illicit Discharge Hotline (516) 571-7535 24 hours a day or call the Villlage at (516) 249-0093

The 2022-2023 Annual Report for the Village of Farmingdale Stormwater Management Program is presented below. The report was approved at the May 15, 2023 Board of Trustees meeting.

The report can be found here:

Village of Farmingdale 2022/2023 Stormwater Annual Report

Previous Annual Reports can be found below:

Village of Farmingdale 2021/2022 Stormwater Annual Report

Village of Farmingdale 2020/2021 Stormwater Annual Report

Village of Farmingdale 2019/2020 Stormwater Annual Report

Village of Farmingdale 2018/2019 Stormwater Annual Report

Village of Farmingdale 2017/2018 Stormwater Annual Report

Village of Farmingdale 2016/2017 Stormwater Annual Report

Village of Farmingdale 2015/2016 Stormwater Annual Report

Village of Farmingdale 2014/2015 Stormwater Annual Report

Village of Farmingdale 2013/2014 Stormwater Annual Report

Village of Farmingdale 2012/2013 Stormwater Annual Report

Village of Farmingdale 2011/2012 Stormwater Annual Report

Village of Farmingdale 2010/2011 Stormwater Annual Report

  Additional Storm Water Links:

NYSDEC Stormwater

Nassau County Stormwater

Center for Watershed Protection

Pet Waste Pollution

Septic Systems


Annual Water Supply Report:


The Annual Drinking Water Quality Report

>>> 2019

>>> 2018


Water Conservation Throughout The Home:

>>> click here


What is stormwater pollution?
Anything that gets in the path of a raindrop becomes stormwater pollution.  Another name for stormwater pollution is non-point source pollution.

How is stormwater pollution a problem?
Every time it rains, stormwater is carried directly to our surface waters.  That means that stormwater pollution can have detrimental effects to creeks, lakes, ponds, rivers and the oceans into which it drains.

What types of pollutants are in storm water pollution?
Stormwater can carry sediment, trash, automotive fluids like used oil and antifreeze, grass clippings, leaves, yard waste, excess fertilizers, animal waste, pesticides and anything else that gets in its way.

What can citizens do to prevent storm water pollution?
There are several things citizens can do to prevent stormwater pollution.

Household Hazardous Waste

  • Never dump anything down a storm drain.  All storm drains flow directly to creeks and lakes.

  • Take used oil, paint and other household hazardous waste to recycling centers.

  • Check your car for oil or other leaks.

Animal Waste

  • Pick up after your pets.  Dispose of animal waste properly in a trash receptacle or flush it down the toilet.

Lawn Care

  • Apply fertilizers and pesticides exactly where you want them.  Avoid over spraying them onto sidewalks, driveways or streets.

  • Reduce the amount of fertilizers you need to apply by testing the soil in your yard first.

Reducing Runoff

  • Adjust sprinklers so that you're not watering the street or sidewalk.

  • Redirect roof gutters to lawns, natural areas or rain gardens.

  • Talk you car to a car wash instead of washing it on the driveway.

Geese and other Waterfowl

Droppings from geese and ducks can be a significant source of pathogens that pollute our waterways:

  • Don't feed geese and ducks, it encourages them to remain and become full-time residents and create a nuisance

  • Feeding them bread and popcorn in unhealthy for the birds

  • Feeding concentrates geese and leads to human/goose conflicts

Yard Waste

  • Sweep up yard debris instead of washing it away.

  • Bundle yard waste at the curb for pickup.

  • Blow leaves and grass clippings back into your yard instead of leaving them in the street to wash down the storm drain.

  • Use a compost bin to turn yard waste into a useful gardening product.


  • Replant bare areas to avoid soil erosion.

  • Keep invasive plants from growing in your yard.  Remove them before they have a chance t grow and spread.

  • Avoid planting exotic plants.  Select only plants that are native to this area.


  • Report spills, dumping or suspected water pollution to the Village.

  • Clear clogged storm drains.  Blocked drains cause drainage problems.

  • Participate in community-wide clean up days and other events.

  • Alert neighbors to the storm water pollution problem.

Your Septic System

       Overflowing septic systems can result in

       pathogen pollution:

  • Have your septic system inspected at least every 3 years by a professional

  • Your tank pumped as recommended by the inspector (generally every 3 to 5 years).

  • Household chemicals, gasoline, oil, pesticides, antifreeze, paint, etc. should be taken to the Town S.T.O.P collection sites and not flushed. Overflowing septic systems can pollute our waterways.

Is it illegal to pollute the storm drainage system?
It is illegal to discharge, cause to be discharged, directly or indirectly, or cause any pollutant to enter into the storm drain system unless permitted by a NYSDEC permit.  Storm water is the only discharge permitted in the storm water system with exception of incidental non-storm water flows which do not negatively impact the quality of the receiving stream including:

  1. Water line flushing, except super-chlorinated water line flushing.
  2. Landscape irrigation.
  3. Uncontaminated groundwater infiltration.
  4. Uncontaminated, pumped groundwater.
  5. Discharge from potable water sources.
  6. Foundation drains.
  1. Air conditioning condensate.
  2. Irrigation water.
  3. Springs.
  4. Lawn watering.
  5. De-chlorinated swimming pool discharge.
  6. Street wash water.
  7. Flows from emergency fire and rescue operations other than those resulting from negligence on the part of the person who owned or controlled the pollutant.

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